2 months without intimate waxing or shaving - I like my blonde bush :P

Runtime: 3.53 min

Rating: 9.88889/10 (9 votes)

Description: Big news: I'm going to have my pubic hair waxed before I go to Venus. And I just had to write it down because I've never gone so long without shaving or something similar since I've had pubic hair. The last time I had hair removed was almost 2 months ago and as a result I now have a lot of pubic hair for me. I think it's really nice and exciting to see my natural hair, because I've never had it to this extent before. I'm also naturally blonde, which is noticeable in my pubic hair, as it's not too dark. I think it's nice and I'm happy to be able to share it with you - what do you like?

Released: 2024-10-20 16:49:02

Categories: Hairy, Pussy, Close-ups