Monique rams her fat nylon cock into your throat

Runtime: 5.18 min

Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

Description: Mistress Monique knows that her submissive bitch is not averse to tasty treats! That's why she takes her by the hair and clamps her head firmly between her long nylon thighs and lets her dog lick her full semen! Well, now you're getting a taste for it, licker sister, and you old sow are actually starting to drip! Wait, my pussy, now you're getting something! Open your mouth, wide open, you mouth-cunt! Mistress Monique grabs you by the hair again and pushes her fat nylon clit down your throat, right up to your balls! She fucks you deep, right up to your tonsils, and woe betide you if you start to puke!

Released: 2025-01-31 17:06:02

Categories: Big Dick, Stockings, Masturbation